I feel like I have been much busier than I actually have been. But, I suppose, I have been busy, just not in a very productive way at all... generally speaking. Mostly I spent the last five days or so (I'm too tired to actually count), celebrating my birthday. Which I wasn't even all that excited for. But it was nice, my mom's family came over for lunch on Sunday, then on Tuesday I went out to dinner with my mom and had a nice dinner with my family. On Wednesday I got my friends together for a picnic and croquet, which I felt was quite sucessful, then to finish it all off, on Thursday I drove, with Shawn, up to Portland and watched Built to Spill and The Flaming Lips, we then spent Friday wandering around Portland. I even got to see my dear friend Nicole! I don't think I could have asked for a better week. But I can tell that summer is coming to a close, my brother has started soccer practice, and I have begun thinking about school again. I keep on wishing I could just disappear into this summer like it is starting to disappear into autumn... but then I couldn't wear all my autumny clothes, and that would be a tragedy.
I have also decided this week that I am a little too interested in fashion, I feel slightly ridiculous about it.
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