Saturday, November 21, 2009


I know it's only November, it hasn't even been Thanksgiving yet, but I feel like autumn is over and winter is here. I think part of it is that the winter rains have started and back in Bend, there is snow. My family went skiing today... it must be winter. When I think of winter I think of hot cocoa, cozy blankets, and reading (in a relaxing, recreational way). Unfortunately, this winter I am set to take a very full schedule so the only reading I'll be doing for a while will be for school. This isn't always a bad thing, but I do enjoy my novels and have quite a collection of unread books sitting around that I want to tackle. The light that winter brings, especially here in Portland, makes me want to procrastinate and avoid my homework (or maybe I'm just making up excuses for myself). There is a stillness in the cold grey light of winter that I don't think I've ever really found anywhere else, it is quite magical actually.

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