Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Stars on my Ceiling
I've managed to stay off the internet for quite a few days now, I'm kind of proud of myself. At the same time, I could have given myself some entertainment if I'd somehow thought of the internet (I'm not sure why it slipped my mind).
Today, in an e-mail from my school concerning the construction that is, in a way, taking over a large portion of the campus, I read the following:
"Dedicated flagger will control pedestrian traffic flow"
The flagger in the place they are referring to have to be very dedicated. They control the "pedestrian traffic flow" for about three to five trucks, and especially now, I can't imagine there are all that many people walking around campus. I've always wondered what a flagger does while they have nothing to direct.
Anyway, I thought that since I am not really doing anything at all, I really have no excuse not to post anything.
Don't you think "stars on my ceiling" would make an excellent story or book title? Maybe I'm the only one that thinks of things that way.
Speaking of
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tomorrow I'm going to go on an adventure. I'm tired of being a hermit that hides inside all day. I love winters, why am I trying to hide from them? Mostly though, I need to take pictures, it's more than a desire, it is a need. And there really isn't anything I'm interested in taking pictures of inside this house.
Isn't the light in this photo beautiful?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My fingers look so fat.
Speaking of
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thinking Hard
Friday, December 11, 2009
Stupidity and Excitement
"The point is, you don't look creepy weird." -to Shawn
"That isn't a real mountain, it doesn't go above treeline and there isn't any snow. What's wrong with you?" -not so recent, last year when visiting southern Oregon with a southern Oregonian
"I don't close my blinds because I don't want to live in a cave, like some people." -to the person whose room I happened to be standing in (while their blinds were closed)
The point is, I say stupid, mean things. I don't mean to, I don't like coming off as mean, but I do sometimes. It's something I used to try to keep from doing, but more and more I've realised that that is just part of who I am sometimes. As unfortunate as that can be at times. I don't know why I'm discussing this. Mostly I'm trying to kill time while my sheets dry, I've got a while.
In other, not very exciting news, I fit my hair into a ponytail today! It's only an inch and a half or so long and most of my hair is in pins, but the point is... it's in a ponytail!
I guess I'll get back to getting ready to go to Bend tomorrow. It's not very exciting though, but neither is the internet right now.
Speaking of
stupid things
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Busy, busy
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Color: Grey
Maybe grey is the right color for this time.
Maybe I was right when I wanted to be wrong.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
So Fantastic!

Speaking of
Fantastic Mr. Fox,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Isn't it over?

It seems this term of school and all its reading has been going on forever. Luckily, I only have a week and a half or so. I can't wait for winter break to start, having a break from schoolwork will be so nice. As will going skiing... of course. I'm not going to be around much until my finals are over with.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Home and snow
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friendly Mail
Thanks Rachel for such a sweet note it made my day, and thanks to both Rachel and Nicole for making Tuesdays a little more fun.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Being a girl
Speaking of
Monday, November 16, 2009
While I was gone...
Lots seems to have happened since I decided to take my break. I caught the flu-cold thing that's been going around. Shawn came to visit, as did my family. I also made some chicken noodle soup that turned out fairly well. I've finally managed to get over being sick and I'm excited to see my family some more during Thanksgiving next week. Taking my break from the world of blogging made me realize some things about what I want this to be in the future. I also managed to catch up, for the most part on the giant and seemingly ever-growing pile of homework in my life. Anyway, I'm loving the cold weather right now and I can't wait to see snow soon.
Enjoy these bits and pieces...
My warm sweaters and cozy scarves are out again and ready to be worn, it must be getting close to winter. There was ice out today, my shoes felt slippery on the frozen water as I walked through the crisp air of late October. November is coming soon and with it first snows and bitter winds. A ring of ruby and gold surrounds the trees, it is soon to be lost and their bare branches will be left to stand starkly alone in the cold landscape. Only their reflections on the frigid ponds and lakes will remain to keep them company, and one day even those reflections will be lost to the ice that allows no thoughtful penetrations into the depths.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I think I might take a break from here. I'll be back eventually, when I have some things figured out. I just wish I had a better oven for baking these cookies, and that I didn't have a class so early tomorrow. Darn my late night baking!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Rant
Today I'm going to sit here and rant about a couple of things that don't really matter, but drive me crazy. So, if you don't want to read about this, don't. I won't blame you, it is, in fact, simply to make myself feel a little bit better.
1. Bend is not in Eastern Oregon, it is not the same place as North Bend either. Bend is very close (when you're looking at a map) to the exact center of Oregon. Fossil, just letting you know this, girl in my class who I'm sure doesn't read this, is in eastern Oregon. It is hours away from Bend and is completely different! Do not try and tell me where things are located, geographically, in Oregon unless you know for a fact that is where they are. Perhaps it's because I have lived in Oregon my entire life, traveled all around it, because it's easier than going somewhere else. Or maybe it's because I was forced throughout my education to learn Oregon's geography. I'm not sure how, in one of my high school classes, some of the people I had gone to school with for years, didn't know the general location of major landmarks in Oregon. Maybe I just like maps too much. I don't really know what it is, but I'm really sick of people getting central, eastern and southern Oregon all mixed up or just throwing them all into the same bag. Just because you live in Portland (and I'm directing this at people who aren't originally from Oregon and haven't lived here for years, just to let everyone know) that doesn't mean that the rest of your state is unimportant and just one big blob.
2. To the stupid kid in my class that laughs at all the professor's stupid jokes that aren't funny. WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT NOTES ON THIS MIDTERM? Somehow I have to remember general definitions for 40-odd terms and be able to answer 4 essay questions. WITH NO NOTES. Can you tell I'm upset about this? My class voted not to have a page of notes. Who does that? Honestly.
3. I had better not be getting sick at all this term. Ok, this one isn't really a rant.
I feel much better now that I've gotten these things off my chest. Now I need to study for that midterm I mentioned. I have an hour to study... we'll see how it goes.
Gee, I'm negative, aren't I?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I know I shouldn't

I spent today doing nothing, this goes against everything my mother ever taught me. I like to blame my mother for a lot of the weird quirks I have (the good, bad, and just plain crazy ones) but I really shouldn't. My mother taught me a lot of really important lessons about life (though I did somehow manage to skip the "how to cook" lesson, I tried to boil water the other day without actually turning on the stove). She taught me to manage my money (thank goodness!), how to clean absolutely anything you could think of (including getting grape juice off a wicker-seated chair), and how to have fun in and enjoy the outdoors. But, I think the most important lesson that I learned from her is that I need to seek help when I really need it (this is the number one rule in her house). I don't like to ask for help, though, because somehow I also learned as I grew up to be independent and capable of taking care of problems myself. Tonight I'm thinking the key to life is the balancing of these two; being independent but knowing when you need others to help you. Thanks, Mom. I know I don't say that enough.
(oh, and I still refuse to ask for help when it comes to reaching things that are high up, unless it's not an appropriate time for me to be climbing on things)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sleepy Times
I got up at five this morning and am feeling quite exhausted (I've uncharacteristically not taken any significant naps yet today). This week I don't have much going on so I plan on doing a little bit of cleaning, taking some photos of the foliage, and perhaps finding some new places to enjoy that are nearby.
Speaking of
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Weekend!
I talk about the weather entirely too often.
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